Dr. Benedict Lowe

Benedict Lowe

Associate Professor of History
Office: 104 Willingham Hall
Email: blowe1@una.edu
Phone: 256.765.4181


Dr. Lowe is a specialist in the economy of the Roman World focusing on the Iberian Peninsula and its relationship to the Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds. He is the author of Roman Iberia: Economy, Society and Culture (2009) and has two forthcoming books: Cádiz: A History (Routledge) and The Greeks in the Far West (edited with Jens Krasilnikoff) (University of Pennsylvania Press). He has taught in the US, England, and Denmark before coming to 香港六合彩挂牌资料 in 2018. Dr. Lowe is the co-director of the Melite Civitas Romana project together with colleagues from Heritage Malta, the University of Southern Florida, Australian National University and Jacobs Group. Dr. Lowe is also a Principal Researcher on the Pompeii Food and Drink Project and is a researcher for the Océanides Association.


Ph.D., University of Edinburgh (1997)
B.A., (Hons), Durham University (1992)

Recent Courses Taught

Understanding Pompeii
Augustus: Propaganda and Power
Roman Historiography and Key Events of Roman History,
Roman Slavery in Theory and Practice
Power and the People in the first two centuries AD
The Fall of the Roman Republic
The Roman Empire
Tyrant, Madman, Fool and Knave: the Julio-Claudian Emperors 14-68 CE
Roman History from Foundation to Empire
Images of Augustan Rome
Culture and Thought in the Late Roman Republic

Selected Publications


Roman Iberia Economy, Society and Culture (Duckworth, 2009)


“Manilius and the logistics of salting in the Roman World” forthcoming in the Journal of Maritime Archaeology.

“Iberia,” forthcoming in D. Hollander and T. Howe (eds) A Companion to Ancient Agriculture Wiley Blackwell.

“Strabo and Iberia” in D. Dueck (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Strabo Routledge, 2017, 69-78.

“The consumption of salted fish in the Roman World” in P. de Souza and P. Arnaud (eds) The Sea in History: The Ancient World Boydell and Brewer, 2017, 307-318.

“Purpurarii in the Western Mediterranean” in F. Meo and H. Landenius Enegren (eds) Treasures from the Sea: Sea-silk and Shell Purple Dye in Antiquity Oxbow Books, 2017, 154-158.

“Roman State Structures and the Provincial Elite in Republican Iberia” in R. Varga and V. Rusu-Bolinde (ed.) Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces Routledge, 2017, 33-51.

“The trade in fish sauce and related products in the Western Mediterranean” in R. Gertwagen and T. Bekker-Nielsen (eds) The Inland Seas: Towards an Ecohistory of the Mediterranean Franz Steiner Publishers, 2016, 215-235.

“The Dye-shops of Pompeii” in J. Ortiz García, C. Alfaro Giner, L. Turell and M. J. Martínez (eds) Textiles, Basketry and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World Universitat de València, 2016, 239-244.

“οὐδὲ τῆς διαλέκτου τῆς σφετέρας ἔτι μεμνημένοι: the disappearance of indigenous languages in Republican Iberia” in Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature 7.1, 2016, 42-54.

“Economía y Sociedad en la Hispania Romana,” in Kobie. Serie Paleoantropología 33, 2014, 161-163.

“Bilingualism and language contact in Republican Iberia” in Epigraphica 76, 1-2, 2014, 111-146.

 “Til middag i oldtidens Pompeji” in Sfinx 2013.3, 137-143.

Honors and Awards

2017 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
2015 nominated for the Students” Association Teaching Awards, University of St Andrews