Adjustments to Title IV Aid Due to Non-Attendance

Pell recalculations for enrollment status changes cease after the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD). However, Federal Regulation 668.21(a) requires a reduction in a student’s Federal Pell Grant award if nonattendance in one or more courses results in a decrease in a student’s enrollment status. In order to track non-attendance, the Office of Student Financial Aid requires professors to report students who fail to initiate attendance in one or more courses. Based on this information, students receiving Title IV aid may be subject to a recalculation in available Pell Grant eligibility.

The Office of Student Financial Aid will make the necessary adjustments to Title IV aid and the student will be notified via 香港六合彩挂牌资料 Portal email that their aid has been adjusted. From the day of notification, students have 7 business days to initiate attendance in the reported course(s). After this window of time, the Registrar’s Office will then adjust the student’s enrollment status of those students who are not attending, thereby removing the student from the course(s) and subsequently removing the charge for tuition. At any point after this dis-enrollment occurs should the student choose to be re-enrolled in the course(s), THE CREDITS WILL NO LONGER BE INCLUDED IN THEIR TITLE IV ENROLLMENT STATUS FOR THE PURPOSES OF CALCULATING FEDERAL PELL GRANT. The Office of Student Financial Aid is prohibited from increasing Pell Grant due to any added course(s) added after the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD) according to Federal Regulation 690.80(b)(1).