ࡱ> AD@  bjbj 4}8;,*WWmmm)))))))$H,.D))mm/)Xmm))%A'mpֺX&))0,*1&./Ld./(A'A'./()),*./ : Graphics Standards and Web Page Committee Meeting Minutes February 1, 2010 Members Present: Ms. Amy Butler, Ms. Beth Garfrerick, Dr. Amanda Hofacker, Ms. Carol Lyles, Mr. John McGee, Dr. Alan Medders, and Mr. Josh Woods. Members Absent: Dr. Bruce Gordon, Mr. Jeff Hodges, Mr. David MacMillan, Ms. Kim Mauldin, and Dr. Sue Wilson. Others Present: Mr. Jeremy Britten and Ms. Karen Hodges. Call meeting to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:40. Approve Minutes The Minutes were approved as distributed. Ms. Garfrerick moved approval; and Dr. Hofacker seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Old Business Dr. Medders informed the committee that the recommendation to add additional members to the committee will be forwarded to the Shared Governance Committee. Mr. Woods updated the committee on possible software solutions for design and printing on campus. Two proposals have been received from Xerox for software that would provide an online portal through which departments could pick from a portfolio of available templates to create their own publications. The proposals gave pricing for outright purchase of the product and for a leasing option. Both options would require the purchase of a server. Several questions were raised about the proposals. Areas of concern were the number of simultaneous and/or total users that could access the software and whether software upgrades were included in the prices quoted. The proposals were discussed at length and two suggestions were made by the committee membership: Ask Xerox for a list of current customers. Contact some of these for feedback on their use of the product. Request a trial of the product so that publications staff and others can test the product before any final decisions are made. Mr. Woods and Ms. Hodges discussed the ongoing revisions to the Graphics Standards Manual. Progress has been made since the last meeting. However, substantial changes are still needed. Mr. Woods will email a PDF of the manual to the committee at a later date. Next meeting The next meeting will be held at 3:30 pm on March 1. Adjourn Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.     Graphics Standards & Webpage Committee Minutes of February 1, 2010 Meeting Revised 3/2/10 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 )*:DHJKLM^  ) : = M O _ ￯yjj[jLjhshSCJOJQJaJhshjU#CJOJQJaJhsh85CJOJQJaJhsh3CJOJQJaJhshRVCJOJQJaJhsh5OJQJhshRV5OJQJhshEG5CJOJQJaJhsh855CJOJQJaJhshQ5CJOJQJaJhshh%5CJOJQJaJhshRV5CJOJQJaJ*:KLMN O i v w   ^gds & Fgds8^8gds & Fgds8^8gds & Fgd\Hgd\H dgdRV $da$gdRV  $ ( 4 > ? 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