ࡱ> PRO bjbjVV 4,<<``<F:f9999999$;N>t99:zzzR9z9zzn)3E62lX14 9:0F:Q4>X>@E6>E6lz99F:>` i: Minutes Shared Governance Executive Committee ϲʹ Shared Governance Monday, May 2, 2011 I. Call-to-Order at 3:34 pm. Quorum present: S. Loew (Chair), R. Statom (V. Chair), K. Jacques, T. Richardson (also as Faculty Senate President), B. Peeden, L. Armstrong, U. Akalonu, V. Hansen, and E. Humphres (proxy for C. Horn (Staff Senate President)). II. Approval of the Agenda. Motion to approve Agenda by B. Peeden, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. III. Approval of the April 18, 2011 Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve minutes by T. Richardson, 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved. IV. Report from the Chair 1. Institutional Effectiveness Committee proposal to change charge and membership sent to President on 4/25/11; approved for fall semester 2. Proposal to add the Disability Support Specialist (Dr. Mary Bowers) to the Distance ϲʹing Advisory Committee sent to the President on 4/25/11; approved 3. Proposal to change the Dean of Enrollment Management to Associate Vice President for Academic Support, Academic Affairs on the Student Financial Services Committee sent to the President on 4/15/11; approved with change Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs 4. Faculty Staff Welfare approved the following proposals: Military leave, Family Medical leave, remission of fees approval authority, loss of annual leave rolled over into sick leave. V. Unfinished Business None VI. New Business 1. Proposal to add to each charge the requirement to turn in the written report at the end of the academic year. Motion to approve the proposal by T. Richardson, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. 2. Proposal from Graphic Standards & Web Design committee. Motion to send the proposal to Senates by K. Jacques, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. 3. Nominations for Shared Governance Committees from Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government Association. Proposal by V. Hansen to approve nominations and forward to the President, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA. SGA President U. Akalonu reported that the SGA was in the process of researching the proposed Academic Dishonesty Policy and has been working with Collier Library to have it open 24 hours on Study Day. Mr. Akalonu also announced the SGA was sponsoring a Spring Festival on May 4. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President. E. Humphres (as proxy for Staff Senate President Chris Horn) reported that the Staff Senate will be sending forth a proposal to upgrade the current staff salary ladder (adopted in 2008) to conform to market values. Mr. Humphres also reported that the 2011-2012 Staff Senate will begin in June. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President. T. Richardson reported that the Faculty Senate welcomed 8 new senators at its April meeting and finalized the nominations for the 2011-2012 Shared Governance Committees. Dr. Richardson reported that much of the nomination process took place by e-business which greatly reduced the time needed at the meeting. 4. Administration. V. Hansen commented that this past year was memorable for identifying policy problems and developing solutions that not only addressed the current issue, but also set the stage for even better solutions to future problems. 5. Other Comments. In response to Dean Hansens remarks T. Richardson commented that Dr. Thornell and the Academic Deans deserve a lot of credit for their efforts this year. Chair S. Loew noted the special efforts of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee, and the Distance ϲʹing Committee this year VIII. 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