ࡱ> OQN bjbjVV 4*<< ``<:fG:I:I:I:I:I:I:$.<>tm:m::FG:G:n36; LF4 3::0:4D?D?@6D?6Tm:m:\:D?` i: Minutes Shared Governance Executive Committee ϲʹ Shared Governance Monday, April 18, 2011 I. Call-to-Order at 3:35 pm. Quorum present: S. Loew (Chair), R. Statom (V. Chair), J. Thornell, K. Jacques, D. Shields, E. Humphres (proxy for B. Peeden), L. Armstrong, R. Akalonu, and C. Horn (invited Staff Senate President). Newly elected SGA President Ralph Akalonu was welcomed to the Shared Governance Executive Committee. II. Approval of the Agenda. Motion to approve Agenda by L. Armstrong, 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved. III. Approval of the April 4, 2011Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve minutes by C. Horn, 2nd by J. Thornell, unanimously approved. IV. Report from the Chair 1. Proposal for Laura Williams to replace Alyce Brown (Nursing Faculty, 2012) on the Institutional Effectiveness Committee sent to President on 4/6/11; she will be appointed in the Fall 2. Proposal from the TAC to add Jeremy Britton (Web Communications Manager) as an ex- officio member of the TAC sent to the President on 4/6/11; he will be appointed in the Fall 3. Staff Senate approved the Academic Honesty Policy , Graduate Work Financial Assistance Policy, and University Policy Change Proposal 4. The Staff Senate is researching the Shared Governance Committees to determine what, if any, changes should be made to membership 5. Proposal for Glenda Richey to replace Jami Schepman on the Student Financial Services Committee was approved by e-business and sent to the President on 4/11/11; approved on 4/11/11 V. Unfinished Business 1. Proposed formation of an Accessibility Advisory Committee. Motion by D. Shields and J Thornell to charge the Infrastructure Development Committee with creating an Accessibility Advisory Subcommittee whose charge is to access disabled accessibility at ϲʹ and report their finding to the Infrastructure Development Committee for possible action. 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved. 2. Institutional Effectiveness Committee proposal to move out of Shared Governance. Motion to maintain Institutional Effectiveness Committee in Shared Governance and approve proposed changes to the membership and charge of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee by J. Thornell, 2nd by D. Shields, unanimously approved. VI. New Business 1. Proposal to add the Disability Support Specialist (Dr. Mary Bowers) to the Distance ϲʹing Advisory Committee. Motion to approve proposal from Cynthia Wood, Executive Director of University Health Services by C. Horn, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. 2. Proposal to change the Dean of Enrollment Management to Associate Vice President for Academic Support, Academic Affairs on the Student Financial Services Committee. Motion to approve the proposal by L. Armstrong, 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA. SGA President Ralph Akalonu reported that the SGA was continuing with several projects started in the 2010-2011 academic year such as extending the Thanksgiving Break to 5 days and the Academic Dishonesty Policy. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President. Staff Senate President Chris Horn reported that the 2010- 2011 Staff Senate has completed all business, elected Ethen Humphres as president, and nominated Catherine White for the Strategic Budget and Planning Committee. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President. No Comments. 4. Administration. No Comments. VIII. 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