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Discussion of this item centered on incorporating a routing or tracking system into the form letter and development of an electronic form letter to be used whenever practical. 2. On 3/23/11 the Academic & Student Affairs Committee forwarded an Academic Honesty Policy to Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, & SGA for their feedback. Faculty Senate has requested an extension that has been granted. V. Unfinished Business 1. Proposed formation of an Accessibility Advisory Committee. Discussion of this item centered on questions of whom, if anyone, currently reviews accessibility on campus and if the Infrastructure Development Committee should be tasked with this instead of creating a new committee . Proposal was postponed to April 18 meeting. Motion to postpone by T. Richardson, 2nd by V. Hansen, unanimously approved. 2. Institutional Effectiveness Committee proposal to move out of Shared Governance. The proposal was not moved for approval. SGEC Chair and VPAA&P will meet with Institutional Effectiveness Committee Chair to discuss this item further. Discussion of SGEC included the possibility of adding a SACS liaison to SGEC. 3. Proposal from Staff Senate for equality on Shared Governance Committees. Staff Senate has tabled the current proposal from Faculty Senate to modify Shared Governance until question of numerical equality between faculty and staff is addressed. SGEC Chair and Staff Senate president will meet later to discuss the issue. VI. New Business 1. Proposal for Laura Williams to replace Alyce Brown (Nursing Faculty, 2012) on the Institutional Effectiveness Committee beginning Fall 2011. Motion to approve by J. Thornell, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. 2. Proposal from the Technology Advisory Committee to add the Web Communications Manager (Jeremy Britten) as a non-voting, ex-officio member to the TAC committee. Motion to approve adding the Web Communications Manager (Jeremy Britten) as a voting, ex-officio member to the TAC committee by J. Thornell, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA. No report 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President. Staff Senate has approved a replacement for a staff member on the Student Financial Services Committee. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President. Faculty Senate will have its last working session on April 14, 2011. Any new business after this meeting will be addressed in the fall. 4. Administration. VPAA&P discussed the status of the proposed revisions of the Independent Study policy and its failure to win approval by the Staff Senate. Subsequent discussion by SGEC and Staff Senate President revealed that Staff Senate often needs more information on proposals than it currently receives in the proposal packages. The advantages of having a member of the Administration attend Staff Senate meetings were discussed. VIII. Adjourn: 4:45 PM. -.DJKLSYZ[^klv  # $ I J K O e f Ƽƛ~uouiuou`iuVuihvhvH*aJh(>hPaJ hvaJ h_aJhvhvaJhvhv5aJhvhMk5aJh(>hMkaJh(>h-CaJ hi 5aJ h?5aJh(>h+m65aJh(>h|5aJh(>hMk5aJh(>hO5aJh(>hQ5aJh(>hx5aJh(>hZ5aJ hM5aJ!.DZ[J K b c ~ n o L M d f GHgdHgdmjUgd9bcgd?gdU2gd@ 0^`0gdvgdvgdMk$a$gdMk   = ? 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