ࡱ> WYV #bjbjVV 48<<SSSSSgggg4$g`;f:::::::$<h?t;S;SS;SS::ni47 gq5 :0;0`;5?&?@77J?S7;;`;? : Minutes Shared Governance Executive Committee ϲʹ Shared Governance Monday, March 21, 2011 I. Call-to-Order at 3:35. Quorum present: S. Loew (Chair), D. Shields, B. Peeden, J. Thornell, T. Richardson, C. Hamilton, L. Armstrong; also present R. Akalonu (incoming SGA President). II. Approval of the Agenda. Motion to approve by J. Thornell, seconded by b. Peeden, unanimously approved. III. Approval of the March 7, 2011Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve by T. Richardson, seconded by D. Shields, unanimously approved. IV. Report from the Chair 1. Staff Senate proposal to have Pam Trimble replace Jami Schepman on the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee approved by President on 3/3/11 2. Food Service Committee proposal from Student Government Association approved by President on 3/15/11; sent notice to Faculty & Staff Senates for nominations on 3/16/11 3. University-Wide Tenure & Promotion committee proposal from Faculty Senate sent to FSW on 3/9/11; sent to VPAA & P. 4. Loss of leave concerns sent to FSW on 3/9/11 5. Family & Medical Leave Policy sent to FSW on 3/9/11 6. Military Leave Policy sent to FSW on 3/9/11 7. Remission of Course Hour Fees sent to FSW on 3/9/11; the EC has asked them to consider the following: 1) employees can only register during late registration, 2) direct supervisors should approve this rather than the VPAA &P, 3) an employee can take 6 credit hours a semester, with 3 credit hours during work hours. 8. Nominations from the Council of Academic Deans for Shared Governance Committees beginning Fall 2011; sent to President on 3/9/11; approved. 9. University Policy Change proposal from Faculty Senate; sent to Staff Senate & SGA on 3/8/11; Staff Senate has chosen to postpone action depending on outcome of SGEC discussion re. balance/consistency in Shared Governance Committees. 10. Request for Faculty Staff Welfare Committee to investigate remission of course fees for employees for Summer School sent to FSW on 3/9/11; this has been withdrawn by Dr. Thornell and he has notified the FSW. 11. Proposal to change limit of 1 page for vita for Tenure & Promotion sent to FSW on 3/9/11; approved by Faculty Senate and sent to VPAA& P. 12. Proxies for Shared Governance committees; sent to President on 3/9/11; approved on 3/16/11. 13. Code of conduct for student loans sent from Academic & Student Affairs to Dr. Thornell on 3/14/11 V. Unfinished Business 1. Proposed formation of an Accessibility Advisory Committee. D. Shields reported that he had not gotten the information from Mary Bowers yet but will send electronic feedback to the group. VI. New Business 1. Institutional Effectiveness Committee proposal to move out of Shared Governance. The challenges for this committee are the difficulty of getting a quorum, the administrative function of this committee, and not having a clear path that outlines who is responsible for Institutional Effectiveness. Dr. Thornell will encourage this committee to look at their charge and membership, and revise those two to more effectively meet the needs of the committee. 2. Proposal from Staff Senate for equality on Shared Governance Committees. Since there was no formal proposal, only a spreadsheet, there was a discussion about the possibility of adding more staff members to Shared Governance Committees. Concerns raised were: The challenge of adding more people to committees is the always present difficulty of getting a quorum. Is the Staff perspective or voice not being heard on particular committees? This committee will need more information before considering this. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA The SGA is getting ready for the 5K race on 4/9/11; the transition from Cory Hamilton as President to Ralph Akalonu as president will take place on 4/11/11. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President Brad reported for Chris Horn the following: We will be sending out a Staff Recognition opinion survey before Spring Break. Statement made on Staff Senates behalf at March Board of Trustees well received. Chris interviewed by Times Daily and Flor-Ala re. issue. Shared excel spreadsheet of Shared Governance Committees breakdown with Senators as heads up to discussion to ensue in SGEChopefully in April. Leos Lose It Challenge launched by Staff Senates Wellness Initiative Ad Hoc for all employees in collaboration with Jim Eubanks, Cindy Wood and HPER Faculty. Dispensed with Child Care Ad Hoc for lack of interest and commitment. Beginning to take nominations for 2011-2012 Staff Senate officers and vacancies. Defeated: Remission of Fees proposal and Independent Study Compensation with comment. Re. Remission of Fees: There are many concerns with the remission of fees policy, item #13 revision addressing what may be taken and by whom, and the impact on potential promotion opportunities. Re. Independent Study Compensation: Discussion and concerns addressed again over promotions and increased compensation of 400% (request $100 per hour vs $20/hour) for independent study in times of proration and no staff compensation. Consider impact on dept. budgets and possibly sending to Strategic Budget Planning Committee, if possible? Then we may be able to support! Tabled: University Policy Change re. Shared Governance for action in April depending on outcome of SGEC discussion re. balance/consistency in Shared Governance Committees. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President Terry Richardson met with the Board of Trustees subcommittee and the full Board and voiced the faculty concerns about the move to Division I. He is quite concerned by the political strategy move by the Staff Senate, which is holding the SG restructuring proposal hostage so that they can have equality on SG Committees. The Staff Senate President was involved in the subcommittee that created this proposal. There has always been a spirit of cooperation and collegiality. Handicap access to the Stone Lodge is nearly complete. Terry is getting ready to pass the torch and must conclude all business by the April meeting. 4. Administration Dr. Thornell wondered if we should consider sending someone to Staff Senate meetings similar to the President and Dr. Thornell going to Faculty Senate meetings. Then there could be someone to explain various proposals and what they actually mean, such as the Independent Study proposal which would give a faculty member $300 ($100 x 3 credit hours) for doing an independent study with a student. Dr. Thornell also commented on the lack of collegiality based on the defeat of the Independent Study proposal. There is a challenge at the tail end of the SG process when a policy proposal gets to the VPs since they are not sure if it has gone through the system. We agreed that a form letter that states that this recommendation comes after all groups have given feedback, and including a check sheet might make this easier. VIII. Adjourn 4:48. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Loew -.DJKLRTZ[\_lmt    2 ƼƔwmg^gU^Lh(>hxaJh(>h7aJh(>hPaJ h?aJhJ_h?5aJhJ_h-C5aJhJ_hMk5aJh(>hMkaJh(>h-CaJ hi 5aJ hU25aJ hO!5aJh(>h+m65aJh(>h|5aJh(>hMk5aJh(>hO5aJh(>hQ5aJh(>hx5aJh(>hZ5aJ h?5aJ.D[\  / 1 L N   2 3 j k gdttSgdU2gd@ 0^`0gdtgd?gdMk$a$gdMk . / 0 1 2 6 K L Y Z # > @ B E ǾDŽDŽ~x~xqmqmqmq~ga hxaJ h!qaJhttS h/VhttS hQ8aJ httSaJ hU2aJ h@aJhJ_hh@aJh(>hTaJh(>hxaJh(>h-CaJh(>h?aJ h?aJhJ_h'S5aJhJ_ht5aJhJ_ht5aJhJ_hH5aJhJ_hx5aJ%  1 S i B C`k\_`3567`d{%&+RWrĽ hmjUaJ hKaaJhJ_hM55aJhJ_hJ)5aJh(>hG!aJhJ_hR h1hR hRaJ hAaJ hxaJ h2HaJ hHaJ hJ_aJ h?aJ h!qaJ hU2aJ hVaJ5k lm]^45&'devxCDJgd4gdTgdHgdmjUgd9bcgdRgdU2cdeiuvwxz}BCGJABCGpqrux{ľăypyi`Z hJ)aJh4h4aJ h45aJh(>hJ)aJh4hJ)5aJhXVhJ)aJ h4aJ hxaJ hmjUaJhJ_hV5aJhJ_hx5aJ h6aJ hi aJ h_aJ hXVaJ hTaJhJ_hT5aJh(>hTaJ haJ hHaJ hJ_aJhJ_hH5aJ#ABqrrMo5YZb!gd{3 [$\$gd1)gdJ)gdXVgdHABQSpqr XY` ~ F#G#H#º±ªztztztke h-CaJh1)hgAaJ hgAaJ h1)aJ h1)5aJh1)h-C5aJh1)hJ)5aJh(>hJ)aJ hQaJ h1)h1)hJ) h1)5h1)hJ)5h1)h4h45\h2H h4h4h4CJ OJQJ^JaJ h45h4hJ)5h4 h4aJ'! 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