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There is work being done on a manual that pertains to all employees and proposals will be coming through this committee as the work progresses. 3. Concerns about the outcome when the Shared Governance process is circumvented. SGEC Chair Sandra Loew read the following statement into the record: I have some concerns about the Shared Governance Process being adhered to and would like to say a few words about that. A proposal is sent to the Shared Governance Executive Committee and then that committee decides to which Shared Governance Committee it is to be sent. The committee receiving the proposal gathers information from all constituencies and then makes a recommendation to the appropriate Vice President. Any group or individual has the right to create a proposal and that individual or group does not have to consult with any other individual or group in that process. The consultation occurs after a proposal has been sent to the appropriate Shared Governance Committee. When any individual or group tries to circumvent the process, it creates distrust and ruins the collegiality that we have all worked hard to achieve. I hope that we can all continue to let the process work, knowing that it can be a long, yet thorough, process. V. Unfinished Business 1. Proxies for Shared Governance committees; concerns expressed by President. The Chair relayed the following from the President Cale: Are the proxies required to be from the same group? Is there a limit to the number of times proxies can be used? Can a vice president or dean use a proxy? After discussion a motion to amend the language of the original proxy use proposal to require the following was made by J. Thornell and seconded by V. Hansen: a proxy should be from the same representative constituent group (e.g. Nursing, COAD, etc.) deans can use proxies but vice presidents should not, proxies can be used two times an academic year The motion was unanimously approved VI. New Business 1. Staff senate proposal to have Pam Trimble replace Jami Schepman on the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee. Motion to approve proposal by J. Thornell, 2nd by D. Shields, unanimously approved. 2. University-Wide Tenure & Promotion committee proposal from Faculty Senate. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by J. Thornell, 2nd by R. Statom, unanimously approved. 3. Food Service Committee proposal from Student Government Association. Motion to approve proposal by V. Hansen, 2nd by D. Shields, unanimously approved. 4. Loss of leave concerns. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by D. Shields, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. 5. Family & Medical Leave Policy. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by T. Richardson, 2nd by B. Peeden, unanimously approved. 6. Military Leave Policy. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by D. Shields, 2nd by C Hamilton, unanimously approved. 7. Remission of Course Hour Fees. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by R. Statom, 2nd by B. Peeden, unanimously approved. 8. Nominations from the Council of Academic Deans for Shared Governance Committees beginning Fall 2011. Motion to accept nominations by T. Richardson, 2nd by D. Shields, unanimously approved. 9. Proposed formation of an Accessibility Advisory Committee. Motion to postpone action by R. Statom, 2nd by T. Richardson, unanimously approved. 10. University Policy Change proposal from Faculty Senate. Motion to send proposal to Staff Senate and Student Government Association by R. Statom, 2nd by C Hamilton, unanimously approved. 11. Request for Faculty Staff Welfare Committee to investigate remission of course fees for employees for Summer School. Motion to send proposal to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee by J. Thornell, 2nd by C. Horn, unanimously approved. 12. Proposal to change limit of 1 page for portfolio for Tenure & Promotion. Discussion by SGEC centered on whether this was a faculty-only issue. Motion to suspend the rules to check with B. Bailey, chair of the Faculty Staff Welfare Committee to see if she thinks her committee should look at this proposal and to simultaneously send the proposal to the Faculty Senate by T. Richardson, 2nd by C. Hamilton, unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA. C. Hamilton reported that the SGA was sponsoring the Fountain 5K, a 5 kilometer race in Florence on April 9, 2011. Proceeds to go to a SGA scholarship. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President At our February meeting, we approved the recommendations re Thanksgiving Break with comment, Distance ϲʹing Policies & Procedures and the Code of Conduct via e-business; and approved recommendation re. Academic Suspension & Appeal and Protocol for Faculty/Staff Searches with comment. We oppose move to Division I, although an official vote has not been taken, and will share with President and Board of Trustees Subcommittee on Athletics if necessary. Reviewed all updates to Staff Handbook sent to us by Catherine White. Still working on Graduate Work Financial Assistance and Independent Study Compensation. We planned to meet with Dr. Steve Smith and staff re. auxiliary vs. university budgeting and unanticipated or uncommunicated charges to accounts. In addition, we planned to write a note Andy Taylor, TAC Chair, re. the IT proposal we approved recommending to administration last year and appeared to have stalled in Faculty Senate without continuing through the remainder of the SG process. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President None. 4. Administration - None VIII. 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