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Change to Faculty Handbook 4.10 Faculty Research/Development was sent to Faculty Staff Welfare, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, SGA on 11/23/10; the Faculty Senate has approved this 3. Transfer Policy Change was sent to Academic & Student Affairs, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, SGA on 11/23/10; the Faculty Senate has approved this 4. Protocol for External Faculty/Staff Searches was sent to Faculty Staff Welfare, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, SGA on 11/23/10; the Faculty Senate has asked for and been granted a 30 day extension. Discussion by SGEC resulted in a request for feedback on Protocol from the Multicultural Advisory Committee. 5. Faculty Senate has deferred to the Staff Senate on the issue of Financial Assistance for Employees Policy C. Horn reports that Staff Senate has tabled this until February meeting. 6. The SGEC scheduled meeting for December 6, 2010 was cancelled due to lack of new business 7. The Academic & Student Affairs Committee will work on the Academic Dishonesty Policy since the proposed policy was rejected by the Faculty & Staff Senates. After discussion, the SGEC authorized Academic & Student Affairs Committee to form a workgroup charged with developing a new draft of an Academic Dishonesty Policy. SGEC further specified that workgroup should have a target date for completion of its charge. 8. The Distance ϲʹing Policy Proposal from the Shared Governance Distance ϲʹing Committee was sent to the Senates as decided by the SGEC by e-business V. Unfinished Business: None VI. New Business 1. Proposal from SGA for an extended Thanksgiving break. Motion to send to Academic and Student Affairs Committee by T. Richardson, 2nd by L. Armstrong. Discussion resulted in requests by SGEC that Audrey Mitchell and Kevin Jacques be included in discussion by Academic and Student Affairs Committee. Unanimously Approved Potential Change ϲʹ Change to Division I Athletics. SGEC will request from each shared governance committee a list of the top five (5) concerns with changing to Division I and the top five (5) concerns with staying in Division II as it applies to the charge of their committee. These concerns are to be ranked 1-5 with #1 being the most important and #5 the least important. A report from the chair of each shared governance committee will be required by February 11, 2011. Motion by T. Richardson, 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved. Appeal for suspension for one semester or first semester of a 3-year suspension. Proposal from Dr. Thornell would allow appeals for suspension for one semester or first semester of a 3-year suspension. Motion by L. Armstrong, 2nd by D. Shields to send proposal to the academic and student affairs committee. Motion unanimously approved. Faculty Development Funds for FTE faculty. Proposed changes to Faculty Handbook section 4.10 Faculty Research/Development: Change of basis for distribution of research and development funds from FTE faculty to full-time faculty and include Director of Library Services, and Associate Vice President for Academic Support with the deans as those to whom the funds will be distributed to. Motion by R. Statom, 2nd by D. Shields to send proposal to the faculty/staff welfare committee, faculty senate, and staff senate and request expedited action on the proposal. Motion unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA: None 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate: Staff Senate President C. Horn reports that: Staff Senate meeting dates to be changed to better conform to ϲʹ Board of Trustees Meetings A staff recognition survey is taking place. Staff is discussing alcohol use on campus. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate: President T. Richardson reports that Faculty Senate ad-hoc committee working on restructuring Shared Governance 4. Administration None. VIII. Adjourn 5:00 PM -.DJKL\]^n{    1 6 = ƼƢzzzozdzdddVh1h5OJQJaJh5OJQJaJhE8b5OJQJaJhh5OJQJaJh1hh5OJQJaJ hhaJh(>hMkaJh(>h-CaJ hi 5aJh(>h+m65aJh(>h|5aJh(>hMk5aJh(>hO5aJh(>hQ5aJh(>hx5aJh(>hZ5aJ h5aJ .D]^? @ a b } = > DEgd9bcgdgd@ 0^`0gdtgdMk$a$gdMk= > ? @ Z [ m t w  ' 5 ȽȽȽȢȽș䐊{ri`RRh1ht(5OJQJaJh(>h-CaJh(>h'SaJh(>htaJh(>h:DaJ h9bcaJ haJh(>hxaJh(>h7aJht(5OJQJaJhPHh5H*OJQJaJh5OJQJaJh1h5OJQJaJhh5OJQJaJh(>hPaJh(>hMkaJhhOJQJaJ 5 6 8 9 ; < ? @ B J ` a b c g | } ~ ! 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