ࡱ> OQN QbjbjVV 4*<<Q``4939595959595959$R;=tY9Y9n9 3939ng364Pr o4 99094h>h>@6h>6Y9Y99h>` i: Minutes Shared Governance Executive Committee ϲʹ Shared Governance Monday, November 22, 2010 I. Call-to-Order 3:40 pm. Quorum present: (C. Hamilton, V. Hansen, C. Horn, S. Loew, B. Peeden, T. Richardson, and R. Statom) II. Approval of the Agenda. Motion to approve by R. Statom, 2nd by B. Peeden, Unanimously Approved. III. Approval of the November 8, 2010 Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve by V. Hansen, 2nd by C. Hamilton, Unanimously Approved IV. Report from the Chair 1. Retroactive Withdrawal Policy was sent to the A& SA Committee and Senates. Expedited review requested of Senates. 2. Academic Dishonesty Policy was sent to the A & SA Committee and Senates. Expedited review requested of Senates. 3. Nomination from SGA for Jessica Ezell to replace a student who resigned from the Academic & Student Affairs Committee was approved by President Cale. 4. Conducted e-business on 11/15 concerning the Guidelines for Financial Assistance for Graduate Work Staff, and sent it to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee on 11/15/10. 5. Repeat/Recompute Policy was approved by Academic & Student Affairs on 11/18/10. Policy has been sent to VPAA. 6. Faculty Salary Schedule was sent to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee on 9/7/10, approved by Faculty senate on 9/17/10. It was with the Faculty Staff Welfare beyond the 45 days so I sent a message to Dr. Thornell that it has been approved in accordance with Section C of the Shared Governance Document. 7. Tenure Policy was approved by Faculty Staff Welfare on 11/22/10 V. Unfinished Business 1. I sent an e-mail to the entire Multicultural Advisory committee concerning the fact that they have not been able to conduct business due to lack of a quorum. They have a scheduled meeting today. VI. New Business 1. Change to Faculty Handbook 4.10 Faculty Research/Development. Motion to send proposed policy change to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee, Senates, and SGA concurrently by T. Richardson, 2nd by R. Statom, Unanimously Approved. Discussion: T. Richardson expressed concern that this policy change would eliminate a faculty benefit. V. Hansen related that this policy was a holdover from years past when new hires at the Masters degree level was common and ϲʹ provided funding for faculty to increase their academic credentials to the PhD level. 2. Transfer Policy Change. Motion to send proposed policy change to Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Senates, and SGA concurrently by T. Richardson, 2nd by R. Statom, Unanimously Approved. 3. Protocol for External Faculty/Staff Searches. Motion to send policy change to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee, Senates, and SGA concurrently by V. Hansen, 2nd by R. Statom, Unanimously Approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA. (C. Hamilton) SGA is currently reviewing proposed policy changes sent by SGEC and has sent comments to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee regarding the Retroactive Withdrawal Policy as it relates to International Students. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President. (C. Horn) Staff Senate is not meeting in December but will be available for e-business. Next meeting of the Staff Senate is scheduled for 1/18/2011. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President. (T. Richardson) Faculty Senate approved the Retroactive Withdrawal Policy and the Revision of the Repeat/Recompute Policy. The proposed Academic Dishonesty Policy was not approved (proposal died for lack of a motion to approve). 4. Administration. No report VIII. 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