ࡱ> RUQ bjbjVV 4&<< ``,CeCgCgCgCgCgCgC$EjHtCCCFeCeC=XA2Ahq<"]>(QCC0C>H^RHPAHA@CCRCH` i: Minutes Shared Governance Executive Committee ϲʹ Shared Governance Monday, September 27, 2010 I. Call-to-Order at 3:34 PM II. Approval of the Agenda - Motion by B. Peeden to approve as amended, 2nd by Dr. Thornell, unanimously approved. III. Approval of the September 13, 2010 Shared Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Motion by T. Richardson to approve, 2nd by K. Jacques, unanimously approved IV. Report from the Chair 1. Faculty Staff Welfare Committee has the proposal for Procedures for Volunteering Services to Establish Endowments (they will be meeting on 10/19) 2. Proposal to include the Faculty Senate President and the Staff Senate President on the Shared Governance Executive Committee as by position and non-voting members was sent to the President 3. The President approved the nomination of Lynn Aquadro & Katie Kinney to the Graphic Standards & Web Communications Committee, and the nomination of Alyce Brown to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee V. Unfinished Business Requested President Cale disseminate the Report on ϲʹ Athletics to the university population VI. New Business Copyright Policy - Motion by T. Richardson to send policy to Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. Tenure policy revision to reflect the University-Wide Portfolio Review Committee. Policy already sent to Faculty Senate for their 10/14/2010 meeting, Motion by T. Richardson to send policy to Faculty Staff Welfare Committee, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. Nomination of Amanda Sharp for Animal Use and Control - Motion by T. Richardson to approve nomination, 2nd by D. Shields, unanimously approved. On line withdrawal procedures New on-line withdrawal procedures are being worked out between Dr. Thornell, T. Richardson, R. Statom, and S. Wilson. The final form will need to be approved by Faculty Senate. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA C. Hamilton reported that the SGA is working on Academic Honesty Policy 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President C. Horn reported that the Staff Senate is working on Academic Honesty Policy Athletic report on Division I football Concerns about slow changes in dining services by Sodexo (won new contract) 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President T. Richardson reported that the Faculty Senate is working on the following items: Senate due to receive Athletic report on Division I football at special meeting Tenure Policy Academic Honesty Policy4 Changes to Faculty Handbook Section 4.13, Faculty Evaluations SACS Looking into where in the Shared Governance structure does the Salary Study Workgroup belong 4. Administration David Shields No report Dr. Thornell reported the following: A tailgate party at the GUC on Thursday night is a fundraiser for Human Environmental Science SACS review is moving ahead. Committee chairs will soon upload their reports and produce the first draft SACS review will require that ϲʹ change some stated policies in order to assure that our policies reflect what actually happens. For example, the following policies need review and changes: Curriculum Development Tenure Policy Dean Hansen noted that the 2010 Shared Governance Document needs to be uploaded to the website. VIII. 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