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The proposal to revise the Faculty Salary Schedule and the proposal to recognize the MFA in Interior Design as a terminal degree were sent to the entire Faculty Staff Welfare Committee on September 7, 2010. Faculty Senate unanimously approved MFA in Interior design as terminal degree. Faculty Senate approved Faculty Salary schedule (with FS modifications) with one no vote. V. Unfinished Business - None VI. New Business 1. Proposal for Procedures for Volunteering Services to Establish Endowments. - Motion by V. Hansen to send to Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee, 2nd by K. Jacques, discussion revolved around retirement issues and the need for formal procedures, and the need to produce a single document that will cover both faculty and staff. Motion unanimously approved. Proposal to include the Faculty Senate President and the Staff Senate President on the Shared Governance Executive Committee as by position and non-voting members. - Motion by Dr. Thornell to approve, 2nd by T. Richardson. Discussion of the voting privileges of a serving Faculty or Staff Senate president on the SGEC who is also a member of the SGEC by appointment not related to their position as Faculty or staff Senate President. Motion by T. Richardson to amend proposal to make Faculty and Staff Senate presidents voting members, 2nd by Dr. Thornell, motion failed by 5 to 1 vote against. Original motion to approve proposal as written approved unanimously. Faculty Senate nominees to fill vacancies on Shared Governance Committees - T. Richardson related that the Faculty Senate nominated Lynn Aquadro (Nursing) and Katie Kinney (Education) for the Graphics Standards and Web Communications Committee, and Alyce Brown (Nursing) to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Motion by T. Richardson to approve nominees, 2nd by K. Jacques, approved unanimously. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA Not Present 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President C. Horn related that the Staff Senate is addressing the following: Animal Use & Care nominee Gathering feedback on ϲʹ impact on Florence Defining human capital # hours faculty/staff give back to city Working closely with Faculty Senate in coming year 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President T. Richardson noted that the Faculty Senate is addressing following: Working with Shared Governance and Dr. Thornell to revise Faculty Handbook Streamlining Faculty Senate procedures to be more efficient Restructuring the relationship between Faculty and Staff Senates and Shared Governance 4. Administration The last Trustees Board Meeting discussed the Capital Improvement issues at ϲʹ and hiring a Housing Consultant for on campus housing New parking tags will be issued to faculty and staff soon Dr. Thornell discussed: Accreditation of Human Environmental Sciences Interior Design program Convocation A state-wide conference on advisement to be held at ϲʹ The need for improved communication between the Administration and Faculty (possibly a weekly/monthly newsletter). T. Richardson commented that faculty/staff need to have advanced notice on ϲʹ issues before reading about it in the Florence Times VIII. Adjourn - 4:35 pm -.DJKLXY^_`pqt{|}~ƺ~rf^S~rJrh5CJaJh|hSCJaJhMkCJaJhhMk5CJaJhhH5CJaJhHCJaJh|hMkCJaJh-CCJaJh:D5CJaJh|h+m65CJaJh|h|5CJaJh|hMk5CJaJh|hO5CJaJh|hQ5CJaJh|hx5CJaJh|hZ5CJaJhH5CJaJ.D_`|}~  N O L0]L^`0gd^@! 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