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Faculty Shared Governance Committee vacancies: T. Richardson stated that the Faculty Senate will address vacancies at September meeting of Faculty Senate. Staff Shared Governance Committee vacancies: Staff Senate to address SG vacancies 6. Need a volunteer to be SGEC Webmaster: B. Huddleston served as webmaster for SGEC last year, new webmaster needed for 2010-2011. T. Richardson serving in that role temporarily, but cannot for entire year. Job may take 12 hours/week V. Unfinished Business Open discussion of new smoking policy and the lack of sufficient signage and official dissemination of policy to ϲʹ. VI. New Business Nomination of Luke Mosteller (student) to the Athletic Committee to replace a student who is no longer enrolled. Motion by T. Richardson, 2nd by L. Armstrong, unanimously approved. 2. Proposal to Revise the Faculty Salary Schedule General discussion of removal of graduate assistantships from the weights for Faculty Salary Schedule. Proposal sent to both Faculty Senate and Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee 3. Proposal to recognize the MFA in Interior Design as a terminal degree. - General discussion of whether Proposal is best sent to Faculty Senate or Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee, proposal sent to both. 4. Request to share information with the Strategic Planning & Budget Study Committee concerning the reallocation of grant review duties to Dr. Tanja Blackstone T. Richardson indicated that this has already been done. 5. Proposal to revise the Academic Honesty Policy. - SGEC voted unanimously to send proposal to Academic and Student Affairs Committee 6. Proposal to add the Chair of the Computer Information Systems (CIS) Department to the Technology Advisory Committee as a by position appointment. - Motion by T. Richardson, 2nd by Dr. Thornell, unanimously approved. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA Beth Clarke of Soldexo needs a review committee, committee asked that David Shields make sure students are on the committee. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President C. Horn reported that the goals for the Staff Senate include: Staff recognition program, meeting with D. Shields for SRC membership, staff compensation, potential child care center, monitoring and advocating for salary increases, and nominating a staff member for the Animal Care and Use Committee. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President T. Richardson noted that the Faculty Senate will address the proposal on Salary Structure, modifications to the Shared Governance, and the use of e-business to expedite senate business 4. Administration - None VIII. Adjourn -4:43 pm -.DJKLUV[\]mxyƺ~~r~j_TLh.CJaJh|hxCJaJh|h.CJaJh7CJaJh{,h{,CJH*aJh{,CJaJh|hMkCJaJh-CCJaJh.5CJaJh|h+m65CJaJh|h|5CJaJh|hMk5CJaJh|hO5CJaJh|hQ5CJaJh|hx5CJaJh|hZ5CJaJh{,5CJaJ.D\]z{w y z ( ) L]Lgdg "L0]L^`0gd^@! 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