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The flow chart of Section C. and the addition of the Presidents role have been inserted into the document for final Board approval. 4. Anna Lott was invited to todays meeting she sent an e-mail stating that she would not be at the meeting. The SGEC decided to not pursue bringing the UG Curriculum Committee or the Graduate Council back under the Shared Governance structure at this time. 5. Dr. Cale was sent the Staff Senate slate of nominees for filling vacancies on SG committees 6. Recommended changes to the MAC and the IPOC were sent to President Cale May 2nd. This has been accepted and approved by President Cale. 7. Smoking Policy from Staff SenateDr. Smith The Executive Committee looked at the policy and changed smoking to all tobacco products and the President will implement this new procedure. (This is the first procedural change that has gone through the new process; it was begun in August and completed in an academic year.) 8. IT Policy proposal from Technologies Advisory CommitteeUpdate on May 4th. This policy is going to be rewritten and is still being worked on. 9. ADA Accommodation Statement updatesrecommendations have been received from ASA and await Faculty Senate action. Still pending. 10. Additions to the membership of the Technologies Advisory Committeesent to President Cale and TAC chair on March 10th, 2010Approved 11. Request to change membership and chairmanship by the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committeesent, as amended, to President Cale, Vice President Shields and SEPC chair on March 11th, 2010Approved 12. Proposal from President Cale on Workplace Threats and Violencewas vetted through the F/SWC and SEPC as a statement and has been released to the campus. 13. Master PlanSent to IDC and SPBSC Update requested May 2nd. Concerns: a. Parking spaces are being used for buildings with no additional parking. b. Parts of the campus will not be accessible by vehicle in case of emergency. c. The Womens Center is not on the Master Plan. V. Unfinished Business 1. Faculty Senates proposed Shared Governance StructureThe Faculty Senate has formed an ad hoc committee to study the new structure and provide details on structure and function. This committee will send its recommendations to the Faculty Senate and then they will be sent to the Staff Senate and SGA. The plan is to have this done by the end of Fall 2010 semester. VI. New Business 1. Faculty SG Committee VacanciesNominees from the Faculty Senate Amended to add David Muse to the list for Strategic Planning & Budget Study Committee. Moved by Sandra Loew, seconded by Cory Hamilton, unanimously approved. 2. Changes to F/SWC charges Change the words in the charge: 1. from To monitor to To review and make recommendations on matters relating to faculty and staff welfare Approved unanimously. 3. MAC Committee changesGoals and Objectives Terry will call Toysan Reed and talk to her about the suggested changes since goals are an internal issue for any committee. 4. ASA Committee Workgroup proposal Amended to add: Two students recommended by the SGA Unanimously approved. 5. ASA Committee structure/charge changes Amended to strike to VPAA in B.1 Unanimously approved. 6. Placement of reference to Flow Chart (Appendix B) in document This is not referenced in the Shared Governance document so Terry will put it in the document and we will conduct e-business. VII. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA Approved an additional health fee to cover the cost of another nurse and a male counselor. Looking at using the Country Club for student activities. There is hope that a new e-mail system will be in the future so students may have more space in their e-mail boxes. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President The Staff Senate sent a resolution to President Cale giving full support for the Master Plan except for concerns about parking. They will be filling their Staff Senate seats soon. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President Terry suggested that the Staff Senate may want to be larger to provide more of a voice to staff members. Terry will call the next meting of the SGEC in the Fall when a new chair will be elected. 4. Administration VIII. Adjourn at 4:46 Respectfully submitted, Sandra Loew -.DJKLRSXY N O P e m ƺ{pph]RGh|h^@!CJaJh|hxCJaJh|h7CJaJh=pCJaJh|hMkCJaJh|h-CCJaJhMkCJaJh-CCJaJh|h^@!5CJaJh|h+m65CJaJh|h|5CJaJh|hMk5CJaJh|hO5CJaJh|hQ5CJaJh|hx5CJaJh|hZ5CJaJh-C5CJaJ.DYZ  O P  @ A 3 4 1 L0]L^`0gd^@! 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