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The Faculty Senate requested and was granted a 15 day extension. Their response is now due March 31st: A final policy will be forthcoming. 3. ADA Accommodation Statement update sent to Academic & Student Affairs Committee on March 11th: Final recommendations are in the works. 4. Additions to the membership of the Technologies Advisory Committee sent to President Cale and TAC Chair on March 10th: No response yet from President Cale. 5. Request to change membership and chairmanship by the Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee sent, as amended, to President Cale, Vice President Shields and SEPC chair on March 11th: No response yet from President Cale. 6. Proposal from President Cale on Workplace Threats & Violence sent to F/SWC, with request to seek input from SEPC as the Senates, on February 23rd: No response yet, still pending. 7. Shared Governance vacancies due to Dr. Priscilla Hollands retirement Dr. Thornell recommended Dr. Tanja Blackstone; requests for approval/nominations from the Faculty and Staff Senates were made March 15th: Dr. Holland served by position on a number of committees; the Faculty Senate approved. Vagn Hansen moved and Bill Huddleston seconded the motion for Dr. Tanja Blackstone to be the interim replacement on the committees on which Dr. Holland served by position. Unanimously approved. 8. Diploma Awarding Issue: With input from all constituencies, the President made the final decision to allow faculty to award degrees to children, spouses, and parents. 9. Master Plan Sent to IDC & SPBSC on March 19th for review: The President went to both committees and they are looking at the plans. V. Unfinished Business 1. Flow Chart and Presidents role approved by Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, & SGA: Terry Richardson will put this into the working copy of the Shared Governance Document to be approved by the Board of Trustees. 2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Council: Terry Richardson will meet with Dr. Lott and ask her to come to our next meeting or bring a report from her clarifying the remaining questions. VI. New Business 1. Staff Vacancies: Bill Huddleston moved, and David Shields seconded the motion to accept the staff vacancy slate submitted by the Staff Senate. Unanimously approved. 2. MAC Committee recommendations: add to charge: 4. To work closely with the Office of Diversity and Institutional Equity regarding diversity issues. Unanimously approved. 3. IPOC recommendations: delete from charge: 2. To serve as a clearinghouse for information related to international programs/offerings on campus. Approved unanimously. 4. Senate proposed change in Shared Governance Structure Diagram: This is an informational item only. The Faculty Senate Ad Hoc committee will look at this and it will be sent to the Staff Senate for input. VII. Comments from constituent representatives: 1. SGA: No comments. 2. Staff and/or Staff Senate President: President Cale spoke to the Staff Senate about the Master Plan and about budget concerns for next year. 3. Faculty and/or Faculty Senate President: No comments. 4. Administration: No comments. VIII. Adjourned at 4:46. Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Loew -.DZ[\   ! 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