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The Faculty Senate will be meeting on February 4th. 2. IT Policy proposal from Technologies Advisory Committee Before the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government Association. 3. F/SWC vacancy Yingping Huang has been recommended by the Faculty Senate and approved by the Shared Governance Executive Committee by acclamation. There was a short recess of the meeting so the Chair could inform the Presidents Office of this recommendation since there will be an emergency meeting of the F/SW Committee tomorrow. V. Unfinished Business 1. SG Document Archives statement placement Terry Richardson brought a written proposal labeled Appendix A, concerning the archiving of the Shared Governance Documents. A motion was made by Vagn Hansen and seconded by David Shields to insert this into the document. A motion for an amendment was made by Vagh Hansen and seconded by Linda Armstrong that a comma with the words disseminate to members of the Shared Governance Executive Committee, and assure the Shared Governance website is up to date. be inserted in the second paragraph, third sentence, after the words and electronic copy of the official document. The amendment passed unanimously. Another motion for an amendment was made by Vagn Hansen and seconded by Bill Huddleston that the second sentence of the first paragraph be removed. That amendment passed unanimously. The motion for the entire Appendix A with amendments passed unanimously. 2. Homecoming Committee Sam Thigpen brought a proposal to bring the Homecoming Committee back into the Shared Governance system with some modifications to the structure of the committee. A motion to accept the proposal was made by Steve Smith and seconded by David Shields. A motion for an amendment was made by Vagn Hansen and seconded by Steve Smith to change the four (or more) faculty members to six faculty members. The amendment failed by a vote of 7 to 1. The original motion was not approved by a unanimous vote. A motion was made by David Shields and seconded by Steve Smith to present to the President as a recommendation, the changed structure of this committee. That passed unanimously. 3. Flow Chart David Shields 4. Presidents role in finalizing policy changes The preceding item and this item were combined. David Shields handed out a proposal with the minor changes that were suggested at the last meeting. A motion was made by Linda Armstrong and seconded by David Shields to add this to the Shared Governance document. A motion to amend the flow chart and call it Appendix B was made by Bill Huddleston and seconded by Sam Thigpen. The motion with the amendment was unanimously approved. 5. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Council Will be discussed at the next meeting. VI. New Business To be dealt with at the next meeting The next meeting will be on Monday, February 8, 2010 at 3:30. VIII. Adjourned at 5:07. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Loew  ./E]^  / a b h x   - 0 ? 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