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Academic and Student AffairsDiploma Presentation (attachment)currenlty with the Academic and Student Affairs Committee 7. Request from Staff Senate President Jennifer Smith (attachment)SGEC is following up on this request 8. Shared Governance Document It was moved, seconded and approved to add tenured before senior faculty member in the SG Document Section D.XIII.1.A.1. V. Unfinished Business 1. Shared Governance Document Review a. Wording regarding Director of Research (attachment)a motion was made, seconded and approved to replace Director of Research in the Animal Care and Use Committee, Human Subjects Committee, and Research Committee to be the University administrator in charge of academic research or his/her designee. 2. Shared Governance CalendarA report from Dr. Huddleston and Mr. Thigpen was given stating a link had been established to a calendar that can show all SG committee meeting times. 3. Shared Governance Document ArchivesSandee Loew presented a proposal for handling archives of SGEC business and the SG Document. The proposal passed and where to place it will be discussed at the next meeting. VI. New Business 1. A discussion arose concerning the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council with regard to these committees no longer being under SG. The following motion was made and seconded: All recommendations pertaining to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Council which concern substantive changes and procedures will be referred, through the appropriate vice president, to the Shared Governance Executive Committee to forward to the appropriate Shared Governance committee. The motion was amended to strike substantive and replace it with all. Discussion ensued and included whether or not these two committees should be moved back under SG. This item will be voted on at the next meeting. VII. 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