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Motion 2: Dr. Richardson asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the September 15th meeting as presented via e-mail. Dr. Bill Huddleston moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Thigpen seconded the motion. Motion was approved. Dr. Richardson indicated he would e-mail those minutes out again to the Committee so that Dr. Huddleston can post them to the Executive Shared Governance Committees website. III. Comments from Constituent Representatives 1. SGA Mr. Samuel Thigpen reported on the homecoming activities and indicated that SGA is continuing the Purple Reign contest again this week with the winner receiving Mac McAnally tickets for their entire department. 2. Staff & Staff Senate President Mr. Brad Peeden reported in Jennifer Smiths absence for the Staff Senate. He mentioned the only item he was aware of was the memo from Jennifer Smith listing the names of the committees that the Staff Senate believed should have more staff representation. Dr. Richardson indicated the Committee would discuss those committees later in the meeting. 3. Faculty & Faculty Senate President Dr. Statom said he was not aware of any issues that had come up since the last Faculty Senate meeting. 4. Administration Dr. Smith said the University received another clean audit report from the State Examiners for 2008. He explained that there were two minor issues - one in the Business Office caused by the transition to Banner which has been resolved, and one in the Financial Aid Department that will take a little more time to resolve. IV. Report from the Chair 1. Meeting with the President Dr. Richardson said the meeting went well. He indicated he and Dr. Sandra Lowe discussed additional changes to the Shared Governance document with the President. Dr. Richardson said he would discuss these changes in the next item of business. 2. Shared Governance Document amendments and revisions The committee discussed the procedure for submitting policy changes through the shared governance process. The President had requested that the language be changed regarding the statement except days the University is officially closed, so that weekends are included in the initial 15 calendar days and in the 45 calendar days indicated throughout the document. After a lengthy discussion, the Committee suggested the following language regarding University breaks: not counting University holidays and breaks as published in the University catalog. Following this, the issue of what to do over the summer arose. Dr. Richardson asked that the SGA Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate review this language as well as the summer issue and report back to him with their comments as soon as possible. Dr. Richardson directed the Committees attention to Section C. 3 The President requested that the following item be added to the Shared Governance document 3. The Role of the President in University Policy Change Nothing in this section shall preclude the President of the University from seeking any expedited review, should he/she deem that essential. A motion was made by Dr. Linda Armstrong and seconded by Dr. Sandra Lowe to approve the Presidents recommendation regarding Section C. The motion was approved. 3. Committee chair positions Dr. Richardson indicated that he is in the process of determining the chairs of the various strategic shared governance committees. He said he would be meeting with them as soon as possible and report back to the Shared Governance Executive Committee. 4. Graphics Standards and Web Page Committee Dr. Richardson explained that in communicating with the Presidents office this past week, he discovered that somewhere in 2007, Dr. Alan Medders had effectively disband the Graphics Standards and Web Page Committee and formed a branding/marketing team or committee composed of individuals that he designated himself. He made this a formal request at the August meeting of the Executive Council. Dr. Richardson continued that Executive Council minutes indicated that in August of 2008, Dr. Medders had brought the item forward in the Executive Council and was told to communicate with the Chair of the Shared Governance Committee regarding his suggestion. As of this date, there is no record that Dr. Medders brought the issue to the Shared Governance Committee. Dr. Richardson said that he had spoken with Dr. Medders and this issue will be resolved. He also emphasized the importance of preventing this type of action taking place in the future. The Committee recommended that he and Dr. Sandra Lowe speak with the President regarding this issue. V. The committee delayed discussing the remaining items on the agenda until their next scheduled meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Poole Assistant to the Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs     Shared Governance Executive Committee MinutesApproved 13 October 2009  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Minutes by Sandra Poole &'39KL[\`~, . Z [ »벬ysmgmymsmsmsm]h&5hZ95CJ hECJ hp$CJ hDCJh&5hQMCJh&5hHCJh&5hAnCJh&5hn#CJh&5h.]CJ h}CJ hkyCJh&5hQECJ hD5CJh&5hi/&5CJ hky5CJ hT5CJh&5hO5CJ hq5CJh&5hQE5CJh&5h_5CJ$':JKL- . 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