ࡱ> :=9 bjbj 4"hh -)))))===8u=f///_aaaaaa$F6)/++//))hCCC/X))_C/_CCCRH\?=XCK0CdC)C//C/////C//////////////// : Shared Governance Committee Tuesday, October 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes In AttendanceDr. Linda Armstrong, Mr. Winn Brewer, Dr. Bill Huddleston, Mr. Bradley Peeden, Mrs. Sandra Poole, Dr. Vagn Hansen, Dr. Jim Couch, and Dr. David Shields. Dr. Steve Smith and Dr. Terry Richardson were absent. Call to Order3:35 PM Committee Chair Dr. Bill Huddleston called the Shared Governance Committee (SGC) meeting to order at 3:35 PM. Approval of the AgendaDr. Huddleston called for a motion to approve the agenda Motion 1: It was moved to approve the agenda. Motion 1 was 2nd Motion 1 was approved. Approval of the October 7, 2008, Meeting MinutesDr. Huddleston called for a motion to approve the agenda Motion 2: It was moved to approve the agenda. Motion 2 was 2nd Motion 2 was approved. Agenda Item III. Fix future meeting dates The committee discussed meeting date for the remainder of the year and decided the next meeting will be November 4, 2008 and the next meeting will be November 11, 2008 and another meeting will be scheduled for December 2, 2008 if necessary. The first meeting for the new calendar year, 2009, will be January 13, 2008. Agenda Item IV. Upcoming visit with President Cale on Thursday Dr. Huddleston indicated that he and Dr. Richardson will meet with President Cale on Thursday regarding several issues. Dr. Hanson indicated that Willingham had been broken into and several items stolen including computers, telephones, etc. He also said that there was a possibility the cleaning crew was leaving the doors unlocked to the offices. Dr. Hanson indicated he had sent an e-mail to Michael Gautney, but had not received a response. The committee agreed that in the future, any correspondence regarding problems with the Facilities Administration and Planning Office should be sent to Dr. Steve Smith. Agenda Item V. Report from constituent groups There were no reports. Agenda Item VI. Report from committees - Winn Brewer, SGA President, reported on the discussed by the SGA Executive group regarding undergraduate research. Dr. Couch indicated that the Geography Department is already doing that and it has been very successful. Mr. David Shields said that Lisa-Matthews Keys had spoken to him about undergraduate research. Agenda Item VII. Web Page Update Chair Huddleston indicated that he is still posting minutes and annual reports from the various Shared Governance Committees. Agenda Item VIII. Old Business a. SGA Goals Winn Brewer gave the committee an update on the SGA Goals for the upcoming year. Agenda Item IX. New Business a. Consideration of ways to modify SG policy process. Chair Huddleston handed out the ϲʹ Faculty Senate Resolution regarding Shared Governance. The Committee discussed the fact that the Committee had already spoken with President Cale regarding the Committees goal of reviewing the Shared Governance document and the President had indicated that the review of the document was also one of his goals. The Committee agreed that all constituent groups should have an opportunity to review the process and the document and make recommendation to the Shared Governance Committee. Chair Huddleston indicated he would talk to President Cale about the resolution at their Thursday meeting. Adjournment4:30 PM Motion 5: Motion was made to adjourn at 4:30 PM. Motion 6 was 2nd. Motion 6 was approved. 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