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There was mention of even including a Departmental competition. He pointed out that this weekend was Family Weekend and the SGA goal planning session is this Friday night. Homecoming elections are next week September 21st-23rd. There was discussion regarding the arrival time of some student loan and grant checks and establishing some sort of advanced credit system on campus for those students to still be able to purchase textbooks. Vice President Smith commented about the complexities of such a system. 2. Staff and Staff Senate PresidentStaff Senate President Jennifer Smith was in attendance and mentioned that the Senate met yesterday and they have a lot on their agenda for the upcoming semester. She indicated that the Senate appreciated Dr. Richardsons willingness to come and speak to the Senate regarding staff representation on committees. 3. Faculty and Faculty Senate PresidentFaculty Senate President Richard Statom said the Senate met last week and approved the Shared Governance Document revisions. 4. AdministrationVice President Steve Smith mentioned the budget issues. He commented that at the Board meeting 9/11/09 the budget presentation noted that the additional proration had ϲʹ down an additional $600,000 with state appropriations now at a total of about $27 million, this is down about $6.7 million from 2007-08. He said $2.2 million in stimulus money will help ease the burden but will not last more than a couple of years. If additional proration occurs ϲʹ will be able to handle it if it does not exceed 6-7% more. Vice President David Shields spoke about H1N1 (swine flu) virus. We have 20 confirmed cases. Season flu vaccines will be available soon and will be free to faculty, staff and students; dependents over 19 will be able to get vaccinated for $10. The H1N1 vaccinations will be available in mid-October with the second round available in mid-November. It will be free to all faculty, staff, students, and dependents. V. Announcements 1. Dr. Richardson mentioned the upcoming meeting with President Cale and asked for any input. VI. Committee Appointments 1. Approval of Faculty Senate nominees to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee A motion was made and seconded to accept Faculty Senate nominees Dr. Brenda Webb (Physics and Earth Sciences) and Ms. Laura Williams (Nursing) for the Academic and Student Affairs Committee. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Discussion of filling vacancy in Biology on Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee Dr. Richardson opened discussion on filling the vacancy in the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee with a member from the department of Biology. This is a required appointment. The discussion centered around the unique qualifications of Dr. Donald Roush and the two term limit and sitting out one year before being eligible for re-appointment. It was discussed that Dr. Roushs qualifications as a bacterial and viral biologist make him uniquely qualified and most appropriate for serving on this committee. A motion was made and seconded to re-appoint Dr. Don Roush, due to his microbiology and virology background, to the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee. The motion was approved unanimously. The passing of this motion constitutes a one-time waiver for the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee of Section D. IV. Paragraph 1, of the Shared Governance Document where it states An individual may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. After two consecutive terms on a committee, an individual must sit out for at least one (1) year before being eligible for re-appointment to that committee. VII. Old Business--None X. New Business 1. Discussion of recommendations from the Animal Care and Use Committee Discussion of Dr. Thornells presentation of the Animal Care and Use Committees recommendations for change in the Shared Governance Document concerning the ACUC structure and updated name changes as well as updated revisions in the Animal Welfare Policy of the ϲʹ ensued. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the Animal Care and Use Committees year-end report with recommendations and recommend the changes be adopted. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Review of the Shared Governance Document Dr. Richardson discussed future plans for continuing the revision of the shared Governance Document with a focus to membership composition on committees. He mentioned staff concerns about under or no representation on some committees and inability to chair others. Dr. Richardson charged all members present to review each committees membership composition and be prepared to discuss this at the upcoming September 29th meeting. Dr. Richardson indicated he would be contacting the chair of each committee and asking them to do the same. 3. Shared Governance Calendar Dr. Richardson shared an email from Kimberly Greenway about instituting a Shared Governance calendar with all committee meeting times being posted. Dr. Huddleston and Mr. Thigpen will look into setting this up and report back to the committee. XI. 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