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Motion 3: It was moved that the Shared Governance Committee conduct official business via email when appropriate to do so. Motion 3 was 2nd Motion 3 was approved. Dr. Huddleston said that during such e-business, objections would not veto an item, but rather cause the item to be brought to the table at the next meeting. AnnouncementsDr. Huddleston met with Dr. Warren regarding how the shared governance should work. He reported that Dr. Warren is very much on board with the process and willing to work within the shared governance structure. Reports from Constituent GroupsDr. Huddleston indicated this item was intended to make the Committee aware of concerns or items of interest from the various constituencies represented by the Committee members. -Mr. Brewer mentioned that the SGA held a retreat during which goals were determined and set. He said a copy of these goals would be available at the next SGC meeting. Action Item 1: Mr. Brewer will bring goals set by the SGA at their retreat to the October 7th meeting of the SGC. Report from CommitteesNone Web Site UpdateDr. Huddleston again shared that the Shared Governance web site needs updating and opened the floor for discussion and ideas. One item discussed was changes to facilitate navigation to and throughout the site. It was mentioned that minutes and membership lists are outdated for all Shared Governance committees. Dr. Huddleston intends to meet with committees to encourage updating minutes, meeting schedules, and membership. It was suggested he get the current membership list from Regina Sherrill to post. Adding member pictures and well as a flow chart were also discussed and generally agreed to by SGC members. Dr. Huddleston had a meeting scheduled with computer services for web design questions. His goal was to have a basic shell design by October 1. Action Item 2: Dr. Huddleston asked all SGC members to be thinking about changes and updates to the web page. Action Item 3: Dr. Huddleston will meet with computer services to discuss the Shared Governance web page. Monthly Meeting with the PresidentDr. Huddleston reminded everyone that the SGC Chair and Vice-chair meet monthly with the University President. He indicated that he intended to talk about the VPAA search, shared governance structure with regard to positions held by Dan Howard now no longer appropriately assigned, and secretarial assistance for SGC meetings. Dr. Huddleston next requested input from the SGC members. It was suggested that Dr. Cale be consulted about transparency in Shared Governance and how we can enhance the perception of transparency by faculty and staff. Action Item 4: Drs. Huddleston and Richardson will meet with Dr. Cale and bring forth these above mentioned items for discussion. Old BusinessTwo items of Old Business were given presented to the SGC at the last meeting for their review and action at the next meeting. The first item pertained to the Teacher Education Council document. Dr. Huddleston asked for discussion and input. Hearing none it was moved forward with no objections. The second pertained to the General Studies Component. Dr. Huddleston asked for discussion and input. Hearing none it was moved forward with no objections. There was also a recommendation from the Graduate Council. There was no discussion and the item moved forward with no objection. New BusinessThree items of New Business were presented to the SGC for review, comments, and action. Item 1There was a request to appoint Gail Sutherland to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Motion 4: It was moved to appoint Gail Sutherland to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Motion 4 was 2nd Motion 4 was approved. Item 2There was discussion about the wording of membership-by-position on the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee since changes in the Office of Student Engagement. Motion 5: It was moved to amend the Shared Governance Document to reflect administrative changes in the Office of Student Engagement. Director of Student Life should be replaced with Director of Judicial Affairs and Student Affairs Assessment. Motion 5 was 2nd Motion 5 was approved. Item 3Dr. Huddleston brought up the issue of reviewing Shared Governance and how to go about it. Dr. Richardson suggested the SGC start with evaluating the policy making function of Shared Governance. Faculty Attitude Surveys suggest this is an issue. Dr. Huddleston suggested we could all to web sites of other institutions to see how they make policy using shared governance. It was also suggested that we conduct our own survey of the faculty, staff and administration. Dr. Richardson recommended all SGC members bring 5 questions they would like answers to regarding policy making decisions and how they should be handled using Shared Governance. Action Item 5: Each member of the SGC should bring 5 questions they would like answers to regarding policy making decisions and how they should be handled using Shared Governance to the October 21st SGC meeting. Other BusinessMr. Winn brought forth the issue of a grade appeal as this was one of the SGA goals discussed at their retreat. The students are interested in having some sort of appeal mechanism in the event they feel they have received an unfair grade on a test or assignment. Discussion ensued. It was concluded that the students currently have such a mechanism available through the Ombudsmans Office on campus. Adjournment4:30 PM Motion 6: Motion was made to adjourn at 4:30 PM. Motion 6 was 2nd. Motion 6 was approved. Respectfully submitted,  Terry D. Richardson Associate Professor of Biology     Minutes 23 September 2008  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 /1GIW 0 G H N O e f   ( c ¹βΫȞȲȔȊȲyrfr` h-aJh-h-5H*aJ h-5aJhQEh-5aJ hQEH*aJhQEhQEH*aJhQEhQE5aJ h_aJ h_5aJ hi;5aJ hZ95aJhQEhQEaJ h.]aJ hQEaJ hQE5aJhQE5CJ aJ h.]5CJ aJ hQEhO5CJ aJ hQEhQE5CJ aJ %8HIM N O a b ^`gd-gd- ^`gdQEgdQE$a$gdQEc j k l t } rs~)vxѦѦљyѠ h25aJhFYhFYaJhFYhFYH*aJ hFYaJ hFY5aJ h2aJ h?aJ h?5aJ h3=@5aJ hQE5aJ hZ95aJh-h-aJ h_aJ h-H*aJhQEh-H*aJ h-aJ h-5aJhQEh-5aJ/ s t   rgdFY @ ^@ `gdFY^gd_gd?gdQEgd- ^`gd- p`^p``gd-^gd-,-efg, ^`gdX/ p`^p``gdX/^gdX/ @ ^@ `gdFY @ ^@ `gd_gd?9<+,-;%&defgt-'*,2ؿعع޿س򳭳hX/hX/aJ hX/5aJ hX/aJ hTaJ hZ9aJ hZ95aJhFYhFYaJh_h_aJ hFYaJ hFY5aJ h_5aJ h_aJ h2aJ h25aJ<'1z>@NOP^_g !! ! ! !!!!6!8!G!H!N!P!\!]!k!ۻ۴۪ۡۃ}}}}}s}}hi;hi;H*aJ hi;aJ h aJ hi;5aJhi;hi;5aJ hZ95aJhLC hLC aJhLC hLC H*aJ hLC 5aJ hZ9aJhX/hLC aJ hLC H*aJhQEhLC H*aJ hLC aJ hX/5aJ hX/aJ hX/H*aJhQEhX/H*aJ-yzNOP ! !=!R!l!m!n!gd? @ ^@ `gdLC ^gdLC ^`gdLC p`^p``gdX/^gdX/gdX/k!l!m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""ì|rjh U*hy~mHnHuh jh Uhih-,whZ9B*phh-,wh-,wB*ph-jhSU9hSU9B*UmHnHphtHuhdl|jhdl|Uh?hGaJ$jh6h6UaJmHnHu hGaJ h2aJhi;hi;aJn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""$a$gd-,wgd?21h:pO/ =!"#$% Dd!!  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