ࡱ> @B? wbjbj 4.hh0F)))))===8u$=if$q6)))#PPP))PPPPP{=LXP90iPP)PPPi : Shared Governance Committee Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Meeting Minutes In AttendanceDr. Linda Armstrong, Mr. Winn Brewer, Dr. Jim Couch, Dr. Vagn Hansen, Dr. Bill Huddleston, Dr. Terry Richardson, Mr. David Shields, Dr. Steve Smith. Call to Order3:34 PM Vice Chair Dr. Bill Huddleston called the meeting to order at 3:34 PM. IntroductionDr. Huddleston began by having each member introduce themselves. Approval of the AgendaDr. Huddleston called for a motion to approve the agenda Motion 1: It was moved to approve the agenda. Motion 1 was 2nd Motion 1 was approved. Welcome to New MembersDr. Huddleston welcomed all new members to the Shared Governance Committee. This was followed by a brief overview of shared governance history at ϲʹ. AnnouncementsIt was announced that consideration be given to rotating minute recording duties at the Committees meetings. Dr. Smith suggested hiring a student worked since there was a small budget for such things. Dr. Huddleston said he would check into it. There was no further discussion on this subject. -Meeting privacy, anonymity, and integrity concerns were shared by Dr. Huddleston. Meeting information is considered private information unless otherwise determined. Review of ChargeDr. Huddleston next reviewed the eight charges of the Committee as outlined in the ϲʹ Shared Governance Document. -He stated that encompassed in our charge will be the need to address two concerns about Shared Governance raised by the Faculty Attitude Survey: 1) the perception that faculty and staff do not know what Shared Governance is doing, and 2) the perception that Shared Governance is very slow in acting perhaps in part due to committees in Shared Governance not adhering strictly to the Shared Governance Document protocol. He mentioned the overall goal of this committee is to make ϲʹ a better place. Confirmation of Chair and Election of Vice Chair Motion 2: It was moved to confirm Dr. Bill Huddleston as Committee Chair 2008-2009. Motion 2 was 2nd. Motion 2 was approved. Dr. Huddleston opened the floor for nominations and discussion of candidates for Vice Chair. He reiterated the restriction that the Shared Governance Committee Chair must be ϲʹ faculty and that the Vice Chair is expected to become chair the following year pending confirmation. Given these constraints only two faculty on the Committee were eligible for Vice Chair. Dr. Terry Richardson was nominated for Vice Chair and nominations were closed. Dr. Richardson was elected Vice Chair by unanimous vote. Time of MeetingThe Committee was next asked to fix the time of the next four meetings. Motion 3: It was moved the Committee meet at 3:30 PM in Bibb Graves room 318 on Tuesday September 23rd, October 7th, October 21st, and November 4th. Motion 3 was 2nd. Motion 3 was approved. Meeting Schedule: September 23rd, October 7th, October 21st, and November 4th. All in Bibb Graves room 318 at 3:30 PM Report from Constituent GroupsBill mentioned this item was intended to make the Committee aware of concerns or items of interest from the various constituencies represented by the Committee members. -Dr. Richardson indicated he had heard from faculty and knew personally from Senate activities that many believed the current shared governance format was not functioning well and that it needed to be reviewed, evaluated and perhaps revised or amended. Discussion followed with comments specifically from Drs. Hansen and Smith and Mr. Shields. All were in agreement that review and evaluation was not only warranted, but timely owing to impending SACS review. -Mr. Brewer brought items of interest/concern from the student body. He indicated SGA was slightly restructuring to include student lobbyist to lobby various factions involved in campus governance. He expressed a growing concern for parking deck security to be implemented. He said the SGA will be working toward a green campus this year. He mentioned a desire to see the campus become even more handicap accessible. Report from CommitteesDr. Richardson reported from the Animal Care and Use Committee and indicated he had been appointed committee Chair. He said the committee had its first ever inspection to carry out this year. -Mr. Shields commented on parking as did Dr. Smith indicating that it is a priority and efforts to improve/expand parking will be considered. Web Site UpdateDr. Huddleston intimated the Shared Governance web site needs some work. He asked that before the next meeting members consider items of input for making the web site better. He indicated he would be in touch with Shared Governance committees regarding posting meeting minutes and schedules, as well as annual reports. Dr. Huddleston wants to see the site become more user friendly. Old BusinessTwo items of Old Business were given to the Committee for review and comment at the next meeting. The items pertained to the Teacher Education Council and the General Studies Committee. Dr. Huddleston indicated that he felt no action was required, but committee members were asked to review the information and indicate any reservations they might have at the next meeting. New BusinessTwo items of New Business were presented to the Committee for review and comments at the next meeting. The items regarded a recommendation from the Graduate Council and needed Shared Governance Document revisions. Other BusinessNo additional business was presented. Adjournment4:44 PM Motion 4: Motion was made to adjourn at 4:44 PM. Motion 4 was 2nd. Motion 4 was approved. Respectfully submitted,  Terry D. Richardson Associate Professor of Biology     Minutes 9 September 2008  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 FHV J W ( + C Z   + , -  Z [ PtuU˷ԭ˛uuh3JhEH5aJh3JhZGaJh3JhEHaJh3Jh3=@H*aJh3Jh2aJh3Jh3=@aJh3Jh3=@5aJh3JhQEH*aJh3Jhi;5aJh3JhQEaJh3JhQE5aJhQE5CJ aJ hQEhO5CJ aJ hQEhQE5CJ aJ .7GH I J  + B C , Z OP ^`gdQEgdQE$a$gdQEtuWXi[)gd?gd{5 p`^p``gd?gdEHgd3=@ p`^p``gd3=@gdQEUVWXa8:EGSUeg[\)*  (,[jx9I۴۽ۡۡۡۡh3Jh@_aJh3Jh25aJh3Jh2aJh3Jh{5H*aJh3Jh{5aJh3Jh?5aJh3Jh?H*aJh3Jh=H*aJh3Jh?aJh3Jh=5aJh3JhEHaJh3Jh=aJ689P45jk0235689;<gd-,wgd?OP]45Dk~/0134679:<UVWXopqrtuvw{w{n{h3JmHnHuh jh Uhih-,wh-,wh-,wB*phhL jhL Uh?hGaJ$jh3Jh6UaJmHnHuh3JhGaJh3Jhi;H*aJh3Jhi;5aJh3Jhi;aJh3Jh25aJh3Jh2aJh3JhZGaJ&<UVWstuvwgd?$a$21h:pO/ =!"#$% Dd!!  A? Signature 2Picture 0Signature 2.JPGR?O DF?O JFIF``C    $.' 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