Contracting Courses for Honors Credit


For Honors Students:

Contract Proposal Form

Contract Completion Form

The purpose of the Honors Contract is to allow students in a regular university course, including university-sponsored internships and study abroad, to receive Honors credit for the course. Honors Contract courses provide students an opportunity to do individual or group projects in coordination with a faculty member and pursue areas of special interest in a course. 

Students should complete the Honors Course Contract form within the first two weeks of classes. The Form should be signed by the student and faculty member. When all requirements for the course and contract have been completed, the student should fill out the contract completion form. The faculty signature grants the student Honors credit for the course, and "Honors Course Option" will appear on the course on the students transcript.

Students must first seek approval from their instructor in order to contract a course. 

For Honors Faculty:

Faculty Info

Faculty participation in the Honors Contract program is greatly appreciated. We understand that faculty already have a substantial workload. However, we ask that faculty be willing to discuss contracting possibilities with Honors students who have a legitimate reason for seeking honors credit for the course.

It is the expectation of the Honors College that if faculty agree to an Honors contract that they will encourage the student to complete the terms of the agreement and make themselves available to the student to make completion possible.

Possible Assignments for Honors Contract

  • additional course readings that enhance the disciplinary content of the course and/or broaden the interdisciplinary scope of the course
  • additional research projects pertinent to the course
  • development of web, digital, or social media course content related projects
  • teaching a class or classes under the supervision of the faculty member
  • additional meetings with the faculty member
  • curriculum development
  • grant writing and development