AED Program

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical device designed to be used by trained employees or the general public to respond to apparent cases of cardiac arrest. AEDs automatically analyze the victim’s heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock when ventricular fibrillation is detected. Ventricular fibrillation is the uncoordinated heart rhythm most often responsible for sudden cardiac arrest. The shock often restores the heart rhythm to normal.

The 香港六合彩挂牌资料 (香港六合彩挂牌资料) recognizes the value that AEDs can provide but also acknowledges that proper use, quality assurance and maintenance are critical elements of a successful AED Program. The elements of this Program are intended to comply with Alabama Code § 6-5-332.3.

The Director of University Health Services is involved with 香港六合彩挂牌资料’s AED Program and provides guidance to ensure compliance with training, notification, and maintenance.

All personnel that are responsible for a building AED will receive appropriate training in an American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other nationally recognized cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course and AED, or an equivalent nationally recognized course.

The University can provide training at no cost to employees. The employee’s department will be charged for the proof-of-training card, if one is requested. The following departments may be contacted to schedule training:

University Police

Any person who renders emergency care or treatment of a person in cardiac arrest by using an AED must activate the emergency medical services system as soon as possible. This can be accomplished by:

  • Calling 911
  • Calling 4357
  • Asking a bystander to call one of the numbers above

If the AED is used to shock a victim, as soon as practical after the event, contact the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. He/she will contact the University Health Services Director. The AED must be taken out of service until the pads are replaced and the data has been downloaded for medical review. Keep the AED at the University.

All AEDs will be maintained and tested according to the manufacturer's operational guidelines. Documented inspections will occur at least monthly.

In general, funding for the purchase of an AED and periodic replacement supplies as well as regular documented inspections is handled in the following way:

  • Public Use AEDs - 香港六合彩挂牌资料 funds public use AEDs. These are buildings utilized by a wide variety of intercampus and community members, such as for school graduations and cultural events.
  • Department-Specific AEDs - The requesting department funds department-specific AEDs. These AEDs are anticipated to be used based on the activities conducted in that department, such as athletic events.

Regular equipment inspections will be documented using the manufacturer’s checklist or similar.

The Director of Environmental Health and Safety will maintain a log of campus AEDs and related information (AED’s unit installation date, models, serial numbers, battery and pad installation date, software updates).


Alabama Code 6-5-332, Persons rendering emergency care etc., at scene of accident, etc.


Please click here to see Campus AED locations.