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Students should meet with a DSS professional no later than the end of the first week of the semester. Once considerations are approved, students need to meet with DSS staff where they will have the opportunity to discuss considerations and related issues. During the meeting, the DSS Staff will send notification to the faculty through the DSS Portal in the form of an electronic letter which will state the students approved considerations. Immediately after the meeting with DSS staff, students should email the professor to schedule a meeting to discuss considerations. The meeting should be completed either in person or via zoom. Meeting with the professor is an excellent opportunity to discuss specific testing considerations and to explore options if there are scheduling conflicts or other logistical problems. NOTE: The provision of considerations is a shared responsibility between faculty members, the student, and the Disability Support Service. Therefore, it is vitally important that students meet with professors as soon as possible. When meeting with faculty, students should discuss the considerations for the course to ensure they are instituted in a timely manner. Faculty are not obligated to provide considerations until receiving a students consideration letter from Disability Support Services. Students requesting interpreters, alternative text formats, special seating, Braille, arrangements for personal assistants, use of equipment/technology, relocation of classrooms, and other considerations requiring prior arrangement must request these services at least 6 weeks preceding the first day of class. Failure to request services in advance may result in delay of services. Services are not retroactive. Until students officially registered, Disability Support Services cannot intercede with academic outcomes. Students requesting a review of approved considerations should complete the Consideration Review Form and contact the DSS office to schedule an appointment for further discussion. Additional documentation may be required to support revised considerations. DSS Staff are available by appointment to discuss considerations, academic difficulties, or other issues. We also offer one-to-one sessions in test taking, learning style and strategies, time management, career planning, assistive technology, and self-advocacy skills. By signing below, I acknowledge the following: I have read and understand the process explained above. I understand that this is an abbreviated version of the process. I understand that the DSSs ability to provide reasonable considerations is contingent upon my adherence to the process. I understand a copy of this document is available at the Disability Support Services office and on the University website. 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