Privacy Policy

Primary Privacy Statement

The 香港六合彩挂牌资料 (the “University,” “we”, “香港六合彩挂牌资料”) respects the privacy of individuals who use its websites and online applications. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your sensitive and confidential information provided to the University online.

Please note many units of the University run and maintain their own websites on the domain. These sites may provide additional notices about the information they collect related to your web browsing experience, which may supplement this Privacy Statement. By visiting, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this notice.


What Information We Collect

Our web servers, like all webservers, collect information such as the IP address of your computer, the operating system, browser software used, access times, and pages visited. This data is used statistically and in aggregate to monitor web server performance, network security, and to help manage the site and improve service.

The 香港六合彩挂牌资料 does not track individual visitor profiles but reserves the right to use log data to diagnose problems with our server or networks, analyze resource management, or investigate security concerns. 香港六合彩挂牌资料 will only use this information for the educational, research, or other purposes in furtherance of the University's mission for which it was provided.

Many pages on the domain utilize a technology known as Google Analytics that allows us to gather general statistics regarding how our websites are used. For example, if we know what browser software and screen resolution our users are utilizing, we are better able to design web pages that suit our users. Please visit the website for more information.

Some of our webpages may link to external websites not owned or controlled by the University. The University is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.



A cookie is a small file placed onto your device that enables features and functionality. The information contained in a cookie typically includes information collected automatically by the web server and/or information provided voluntarily by the user. Individual users can control how his/her computer stores and uses cookies by adjusting individual browser settings. Google Analytics uses cookies to generate statistics about our site.


Information Protection

The University implements reasonable physical, technical, and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the information we collect online. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of such electronic data.

Your information will be retained or disposed of according to the University's records management principles and polices.


Other Data Collection

Visitors using online forms or applications on our web pages may choose to supply information voluntarily. Information collected via such web forms will be securely maintained and be used only for the purposes for which it was supplied. Pages collecting such information should be transparent about the information they are collecting as well as the purpose for the data collection.

The University’s policies do not allow the release of personally identifiable information to third parties (other than its agents when required for university business) without the permission of the person identified or as allowed or required by law. We do not sell the information we collect from individual visitors to our websites to third parties.

The 香港六合彩挂牌资料 may receive information about you from other sources, including third parties that help us update, expand, and analyze our records, identify new customers, or prevent or detect fraud. 香港六合彩挂牌资料 may also receive information about you from social media platforms, including but not limited to, when you access our social media content or interact with us on these platforms. The information we may receive is governed by the privacy settings, policies, and/or procedures of the applicable social media platform; therefore, we encourage you to review them.


Text Messaging Data

Text messaging originator opt-in data and consent will not be shared with any third parties unless required by law. 


International Visitors

香港六合彩挂牌资料 is located in the United States (State of Alabama). By providing information to 香港六合彩挂牌资料, you are transferring your personal data to the United States. If you are providing personal information and are not a resident of the United States, your country’s laws governing data collection and use may differ from those in the United States. The United States has not sought nor received a finding of “adequacy” from the European Union under Article 45 of the GDPR, and 香港六合彩挂牌资料 relies on derogations for specific situations as set forth in Article 49 of the GDPR.



The 香港六合彩挂牌资料 does not believe our websites are appealing to children, nor are they directed to children under 13. 香港六合彩挂牌资料 does not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from persons under the age of 13 and strives to comply with the provisions of COPPA (The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). If you are a parent of a child under 13 and you believe that your child has provided us with information about himself or herself, please contact us at


Changes to this Statement

This Privacy Notice may be amended from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page. Your continued usage of the site indicates your acceptance of such changes. For questions concerning this Privacy Notice, please email us at

Last updated 10/9/2020.